Whiskers on Kittens

Thing1 is still on winter break from college, but, as we're learning, just because your child comes home for a few weeks, doesn't mean they're really at home.We see him at meal times, and have had fun and interesting conversations with him about school and politics and all the other subjects in which he's finding an interest. But, increasingly, there are times when he is scarce.We have a visit this evening in the living room from Princess Jane, or a little gray huntress. When Thing1 is home, she stays upstairs in his room 24/7. It's not quite time for him to fly the asylum and head back to school, but already missing friends and the hustle and bustle of college and city life, he headed to Boston for the weekend for a get together. Jane has been downstairs with us, looking for him (and now Thing2 who's at a sleepover) since he left.It's good that he's having adventures, but we're missing him. Tonight, for one of the few times in the last 19 years there are only two adults in the house.and we're still adjusting to the idea that kids actually do grow up and fly the asylum. Jane's presence is a bit of reassurance that it's OK to take a little time to get used to this brave new world of empty nesting.


Something New


Kitchens are for Family