Where There Are Bees
it's not a sign of spring. The leaves on the trees have mostly popped already anyway, but it was the ultimate sign of hope.I went out to the garden to check the progress of the sun in an area I want to prep for later in the summer. The buzzing next to the garden Was so loud I wondered if flies might have been attracted to some poor chipmunk that had attempted to steal squash leaves in the presence of Princess Jane. As I walked toward the apple tree on the west side of the garden, however, I saw hundreds of tiny worker bees toiling among the apple blossoms.i'll go back to try to capture them with a better camera, but they were patient as I tried to snap a few pictures as long as I didn't interrupt your work. I greeted and welcomed them, knowing the returning bees are more than just a sign of spring. They are a chorus of hope.[video src="https://atomic-temporary-174491198.wpcomstaging.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/img_9003.mov" ]