T'is the Season

candy inspectorThing2 is getting ready for Trick-or-Treat (Thing1 has assured me he's too old to go begging for candy - we should just lay it at his feet). Thing2 decided to be Jack Frost this year, and is promising to deliver snow (he can do that you know).  The S-word is prohibited in this house before November 1, so he relented and just sent us a wicked cold morning.Dickens once wrote (not necessarily about Halloween) that it was at this time of year that want is most keenly felt.  What I want to do is pass out candy on Halloween.  It's a ritual I miss each year because we live in the middle of the woods. Our town's topography sends us to the nearby big city of Arlington Vermont( population 2647-whoops make that 2648), and it's amazingly good at discouraging would-be beggars from showing up on our doorstep looking for candy.I've made sure we have plenty of candy on hand - just in case.  I'm prepared to setup a self-serve candy bowl.  I've even decorated a "Take More, It's Really Healthy" sign in case cute little tots come while we're not there.I feel still deprived, but hope, unlike my diet, springs eternal.  Of course, if no one shows up, I'll have to find something to do with all that candy. 


The Day After


Happy Halloween