The Numbers Game
243 was the number on the scale Monday May 25, 2013.
1412 was the number of calories to eat each day to lose 2 1/2 pounds each week.
15 seconds was the longest I could run without stopping.
22 was the number on the label inside my jeans.
6 is the number of times I had to run day 1 of my fitness program before I could finish it.
2 is the number of kids who were depending on me to be strong enough to take care of them.
24 is the number of runs I've done since the first time I actually got through a routine.
9 is the number of weeks I've been counting calories.
12 is the number of days I slipped up on a vacation 14 days long, and
18 is the number of days in the last month I behaved - for the most part.
3.68 is the number of miles I ran yesterday without stopping.
1282 was the number of calories allowed on the calorie counter yesterday, and
209 may still be a big number on a frame that's only 63 inches high, but it's the sum of a summer of small but meaningful successes.