Tales from the Scale

ScaleForgive me scale for I have really sinned.  It's been at least a week since my last confession.Before I step on, however, I just want to say that even though my sins are too numerous to list within the next hour - the last week has been a nutritional blur - I have stuck to my fitness plan like a champion (the running part that is).  With that in mind, I hope you'll agree with me that you shouldn't raise the numbers too high and that maybe you can give me a pass for listing maple syrup as a serving of vegetables (it comes from a plant, after all).I'm ready to do some penance, and I really appreciate you keeping the pounds even.  I promise I'll lay off the crisps and pies for the next few weeks, but I just have to say that while the running rules, dieting sucks.


A Sharp Dressed Man


The Bookmaker