Shiny Things

Forgetting for five minutes that my daylight hours are pretty well filled from dawn till dusk with blogging, parenting and work (cleaning is more of an annual event), I clicked on the bright pretty button and signed up for the workshop.  It's an iPhonography workshop, and for five bucks, I figured even if I wash out, it was a good deal.Once upon a time I was a fair photographer. I even shot a few weddings and children's portraits.  But when Thing2 (now six) started toddling, I found that focusing a big, heavy SLR while keeping an adventurous two-year-old in check were not compatible activities.   My big, heavy SLR spent a lot of time in its bag, until, finally  I decided to trade it in for a point-and-shoot, which now sits mostly in a bag.  I do take my iPhone everywhere, however, and its primary advantage - aside from being always with me - is that neither kid has a clue when Mom is about to snap off a picture.I don't really have time for another class or hobby or any other activity, but I was feeling a little down when the shiny thing caught my eye and my imagination.  It may lead nowhere, but hopefully I'll get better pictures of the kids out of the deal.  That's definitely worth five bucks and a little more hectic schedule

A Good Egg


Focus and Fog