It's been a good year so far. So far, I've stuck to my new daily writing plan pretty well, and it's been it's own reward. The weight loss resolution - it's still in the back burner, but I'm hoping today's addendum to Housekeeping resolution 106.b will help turn up the heat on it and my writing and illustration.Virginia Woolf once wrote that a woman needed money and a room of her own to write (she obviously didn't have kids when she wrote that or she'd be advocating for five minutes in the bathroom on her own just to think about writing the shopping list). This weekend as we begin to carve out space for the Big Guy's workshop, I decided to pursue the room and carve a studio out of our laundry/storage/guest area (no, that photo isn't my entry for 'Hoarders' - just my motivating before shot).I'm great at rationalizing this plan - it'll clear my crap out of other rooms, more light, same heating bill. But my private rationalization - one that the Big Guy (he's cool) seems to understand without my saying it - is that, while I've spent the summer getting my feet wet, I finally decided to jump In and call myself an writer and illustrator, not because I think I'll be the next Maurice Senkak or Shel Silverstein, but because I need to write and draw to feel complete. I know I'm not alone in this need, and, even if the laundry is still hanging in my studio by next weekend, the decision to take the plunge matters as much as the way it happens.