Wednesday Storm

It's been about two weeks since I made the decision to resurrect a creative routine. The decision was the result of a webinar hosted by a friend, but the fuel to keep it going beyond the first day or two came from an unwelcome source.Saturday morning we rushed Thing1 to the emergency room because his chronic illness had generated an overnight weight loss of over 10 pounds. I knew he had not been feeling well for the last day or so, but most of his flareups have resolve themselves in a day or two. This one is still playing out, as we continue with fluid replacement and hospital visits. I've been trying to find a silver lining--acknowledging that the umpteen phone calls and emails and texts are signs that -- unlike too many Americans -- at least we have the resources to help him. Like any parent, however, my  focus has been on the cloud over the lining.I worry how long he will have access to the care he desperately needs. I worry for all the parents of children with chronic illness who don't have adequate health coverage and wonder how they handle that impact on their child's health or life.  And I paint. When I'm frustrated on T1's behalf, I paint. When I get off the phone with the insurance company wondering if his treatment will be compromised by what they are willing to cover, I paint. The painted pages don't express tears or shouting, they exist instead of those things.Art has always been a therapy for me, channeling worry or depression into something productive. Inspiration is a dubious gift, however, and right now I am eagerly anticipating the moment that my new creative routine must be fueled by discipline instead.


A Straw to Grasp


Cat Naps