On Sale Now: A is for All-Nighter, A Parent's Alphabet
I am excited to announce that my first illustrated book, A is for All-Nighter, is now on sale on Amazon, for $12.99. If you would like a signed copy, you can pre-order them by clicking the Buy Now button at the right. They will start shipping on Dec 6.The official publication date was November 27, and the book went up on Amazon then. Thanks to Thing1 we caught an error before the final printing and the first shipment will arrive December 5.This book is a huge step for me in simultaneously taking control of and surrendering to my creative life.For so many years I held back from drawing or writing because I bought into the idea that if you weren't Picaso or Tolstoi, if you were just a middle-aged, paunchy housewife, you couldn't have anything worthwhile to say with your art.My new idea is that the things that happen around the dinner table or at the laundry line are as important as the events in the great halls of government and business because, let's face it, that's where those events ultimately begin. That idea is that the messes and bills can make you cry... or they can make you laugh if you let them (just don't do it hysterically or your kids may try to have you committed - but that's for another book). A is for All-Nighter is my way of giving the raspberry to my old,overblown idea that art should only be left to 'professional' artists. Raspberries have always been a favorite for me anyway. I'm hoping you like them too :-)