Off the Couch

 Screen Shot 2013 09 19 at 10 06 53 AMI've coveted a lot this summer:  a smaller pair of jeans, a stronger body, a more active lifestyle, and that really cool running tank to wear for my first 5K in three years. I checked most of the things off my wish list by getting fit enough to finish the afore-mentioned 5K.  However, while getting able to complete those 3.1 miles did indeed let me squeeze into a smaller jean size and a more active lifestyle, it didn't shrink my body small enough to access the work of fitness high fashion.As I was reminded during my search for the perfect tank top, an XL at the discount store is not an XL in fitness (or designer) wear.  I could have worn one of my old t-shirts, but the race was a family tradition that was being revived.  I wanted something special.I traipsed through online and offline offerings, rarely finding anything above an L or XL that didn't fit or look more like and M.  I was losing hope.  I'd sweated all summer.  Surely something in either of my sizes - old or new - wasn't too much to ask.  There's every other option for active women, right down to a plunging, push-up sports-bra (still scratching my head trying to find the competitive advantage of THAT feature), but there was little for larger women who want to get off the couch (as we're always told to do) and into activity.So this year I did what I once did when I was too broke for store bought.  I made my own.  I've been finding my own groove this year.  It's off the couch, and dancing to that beat has done a lot more than just make me smaller.  It's made me stronger and happier and even more productive.  So I made a shirt to celebrate this new life off the couch.  It's a change you should be able to celebrate at any size.I'm putting my designs where my mouth is  You can find T-shirts and a few other items in sizes to fit most from 0-5X.


Back on the Horse


Are We There Yet?