
illustration-blog-post-9-3webIt's time for a little housekeeping.I know, I know.  Not a word I use very often, but the blog has been undergoing some renovation as I try to organize cartoons and blog posts, as well as sketches and paintings.I've added a new page (My Sketchy Life) just for illustrations and tried to organize the two cartoons I do now.  I'll also be adding a serial comic to that page in the near future, so keep checking back.I know many folks come here to feed their inner smarty pants, and, fully supporting that, have decided that doodles and any other art for art's sake  will appear on the blog but will not appear in the feeds.  If you want to check out artsy posts on a regular basis without having doodle in your inbox, you can also like me on Facebook (


It's A Dirty Job


The Dog Day is Over