It's Saturday morning, and we're off to T-ball. Almost all our Saturdays involve some morning sport with one or both of the boys. In winter it's the perfect antidote to cabin fever, but this morning it's helping get me grounded again.A weekend away at the Cape led to a week of catching up at work and at home. I forgot most of what I wanted to write about, and substituting marathon digital days for family face time was hardly inspiring. As we drive down the hills from our house to the main road, it's impossible not to notice the intense green that's overtaken the mountains with the longer days. I know that's not where I'll find my inspiration today, but I will find it.We're a little late getting to T-ball, and the boys have to run to get from the parking lot to the field in time for the first at bat. By the time we get to the dugout, twelve-year-old Thing1 is helping the coaches and six-year-old Thing2 is zipping around the bases and racing bunted balls to first base. It's one of the few times I don't have my camera with me, and all I can do is watch and let the rhythm of the day get me grounded in our lovely rut again. And that's where the inspiration will be.