Dispatches from the Road - Common Threads on the Road

Give-a-Way Photo by Jon KatzSome things, like this month’s give-a-way photograph by author Jon Katz of Bedlam Farm, are worth the wait.This month's give-a-way was postponed a week due to several members' summer travel plans.  Now, Jon is giving away a photograph of his two most famous donkeys, Simon and Lulu.   The photo is signed by Jon and matted to fit into an 11 x 14 frame. The  title of the photograph is “Simon and Lulu.”To enter to win leave a comment on Jon’s wife’s site, Full Moon Fiber Art, hosted by Maria Wulf, a gifted fiber artist and regular participant in the Common Thread Give-a-Way.  Jon's site does not accept comments, so just comment on Maria’s. A winner will be chosen at random from those who commented and announced on all the participating sites on Thursday.Once you've visited Jon and Maria take a moment to visit the other participants in our group as well:Jane McMillen of Little House Home ArtsKim Gifford at Pugs and Picsand me at Picking My Battles.com

A Flea Ring Circus


Dispatches from the Road - Down time