Common Threads Give-Away

 BountyI'm participating in the  Common Thread Give-Away again, and November's featured artist is Kim Gifford.  Whether she's writing about her beloved pugs or her distinctive photographs, Kim's work is humorous and heartwarming.  I got to know Kim and her work through the Hubbard Hall Writer's Project.  It, like she, is infused with an infectious joy.This month Kim is giving away a matted  8" x 10" drawing entitled "Bounty," printed on watercolor paper and matted to 11" x 14." To enter the contest, visit her website and leave a comment for her anytime between Monday through Wednesday of this week.  The winner will be announced on Thursday.   Then when you've commented on her site, take a minute to visit the other artists in our group -   Jon Katz, Maria Wulf, and Jane McMillan!   


The Given Trees


Small World