Oils at Oldcastle

For the past few months I’ve been playing with oil, and because of work and family, most of the work has been done in my ‘studio’ or on the roadside very close to home. None of the spots in my show are famous (except for the Battenkill River), but they pull me back again and again, and the ritual of visiting these places in my very small world has been at once soothing and inspiring.I’m including a list of the pieces hanging at the Oldcastle Theatre in Bennington, VT below, and you can see a quick video tour on my Facebook page.There will be no artist reception because the theatre schedule is quite booked this month. They are open between 10AM and 5PM during the week and for their scheduled evening events. They are holding their annual Gala on the 17th of November at 6:00PM, and , if you are in Bennington, it’s a wonderful chance to look at oil paintings and the many other items they’ll have up for bid to support the theatre and the work it does. December 7-8 they are performing a play called the “Curious Savage”, and in between those dates they will be hosting a number of plays and gatherings.

Prints and originals (when still available), can be purchased on Etsy here.

“Battenkill in the Shoulder” 8” x 10” Oil $125 - SOLD

“ Saturation Point” 4” x 6” Oil - $65


Big Sky Country


It Does Get Better