Bouquet of Blueberries
Prints can be purchased on Etsy here.
This is a bouquet of blueberries I painted for my mom who is in the hospital right now. She should've gone to the blueberry Festival in South Haven Michigan last weekend, but instead she went to the ER.She's on the mend now, but I think the scariest moment for me in our relationship was Saturday night to say she was going in for surgery. She sound worried, and she never sounds worried. I've watched her merrily making blueberry muffins with a waterspout making a beeline for her kitchen and ask if anyone wanted butter at the table for them, so when she was worried, I was worried.I'm a mom, but worrying about my mom made me feel like I was five again. So, when the person who taught me everything I know about mothering and unconditional love got sick, I did what I would've done when I was five. I made her something.We will be together in a few days, and I'll give her as big hug as possible. For now, it really is the positive thought that counts.