Back to the Drawing Board

  It was a whirlwind weekend of art and creativity and more art.My weekend started Thursday night an opening reception at the Equinox Village Gallery in Manchester, VT. It was my second solo show and the first one that featured an opening reception, and it was fun to let the atmosphere go to my head for an hour. Saturday morning I had short story class, and dinner with creative group friends wrapped up the day. there was a lot of encouragement and talk about creativity, but it was the second day without any was OK. Getting ready for the show has had me up late nights for the last month (to be fair, I'm usually up late night painting), but by last night I had the nagging feeling that the sketch book was beginning to get dusty. My weekend ended this morning with an interview on WBTN AM Bennington about the show at Equinox, and it was a great way to wrap up a great weekend. A friend had connected me in the interviewer, and while up until 5 minutes before the spot began I wasn't sure that I had anything to say that anybody would want to hear, I was determined not to let fear keep me from moving forward.I talked with Thomas Toscano for the better part of an hour about my art, about creativity in general and being true to your creative spark. The conversation reminded me of how far I have come from the place where I try to push art out of my life. it also reminded me of forest want to go, and how important it is to get back to the drawing board tonight.


Guess What?


A Spring Fling