Action Packed

creative-group-watercolor-5-x-7webThis is the rain-soaked calm before a weekend long storm of activity.  I'm looking at  an action packed weekend of creative workshops, art, poetry, parents, theater and nine-year-old birthday parties.I'm waiting for my parents to arrive so we can celebrate my Dad's 75th birthday.  Then I head to Pompanuck Farm in Cambridge, NY for a Creative Workshop engineered by author Jon Katz and his wife, artist Maria Wulf.The Creative Workshop is the kick off of a weekend of poetry, art, and theater, of celebrating the anniversary of becoming a Mom a second time and feeling strangely optimistic about a future that includes a life as a working artist.  And in the quiet of my kitchen, the only thing I can feel right now is incredibly grateful for this life.   I'm even grateful for the rain.


Warm Memories


The New Zucchini